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    DSC_3735_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3736_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3738_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3739_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3741_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3744_5B1024x7685D.jpg DSC_3745_5B1024x7685D.jpg
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    File information
    Album name:vstep / Любек - Травемюнде - Вентспилс
    Filesize:480 KiB
    Date added:Sep 29, 2011
    Dimensions:1024 x 681 pixels
    Displayed:53 times
    DateTime Original:2011:08:31 18:41:11
    EXIF Image Height:2832 pixels
    EXIF Image Width:4256 pixels
    Exposure Time:1/250 sec
    Focal length:24 mm
    ISO Setting:0
    Make:Nikon Corporation
    Metering Mode:Center Weighted Average
    Model:NIKON D700
    Resolution Unit:Inch
    White Balance:0
    Favorites:Add to Favorites